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How To Have Amazing Sales at a Holiday Market

Set your booth and yourself up for success using some of our easy tips!

Holiday Markets are so much fun to be a part of and people will come out of their houses into the cold for them way more than anything like a summer famers market. Holiday Markets are festive and customers want to find unique and homemade gifts for their loved ones that can’t be found in a big box store.

Setting up an Attractive Booth or Stand

Creating a booth or in our case, a coffee stand, that draws people in extends beyond simply having a stellar product, set of skills and a decent selection of items. It’s about creating a unique and inviting atmosphere that consumers can’t resist. To do justice to your art while also ensuring your stand blossoms into a bustling hub of customers, a little entrepreneurial ingenuity is paramount.

Firstly, strategic positioning of your stand is key.

The ideal location should be high traffic, easily accessible, and well visible to passersby. Precision in choosing the right location can significantly increase visibility and, consequently, traffic to your stand.

However, many markets already have you placed in a specific spot. In this case, make sure you have a sign made that can be seen from a good distance in case you aren’t in the greatest spot. You can get a cheap one if you watch for sales online at places like Staples, Vistaprint, or even Canva!

Once you have pinpointed the perfect location (or lack thereof if that applies to you), the next step is creating an inviting ambiance. Aesthetic appeal plays a major role in drawing in customers. Whether it’s through a unique, vibrant color scheme, a rustic, wooden touch, or some sleek, modern design, your stand should visually communicate the quality and culture of your brand. Remember, first impressions count and nothing speaks louder than a thoughtfully designed stand.

Think tablecloths, your signs, decor, and even you!

Display your decor and product in such a way that YOUR art is the main display but that the decorations you add to your table gives your products more appeal to the festive gift finders. We added some snowflakes to our menus and a couple small Christmas tree figurines.

Make sure you use both high and low displays to add visual interest to your table! Have some risers or a box to move your product up higher and offset that with some taller decorations. Perhaps you sell necklaces or something else that could be hung off a simple rack or stand, you could even simply wrap a carboard box in festive wrapping paper and place items on top of those.

For us, we sell coffee. So we have two tables set up in an “L” and have all of our syrups and machines off to the side while the table facing the customers has our menu boards on either side and some simple low to the table decorations like a string of wooden beads we wrap around our tip jar and spread out towards the menu boards. Then we add some tree figurines next to the menus to add more variances of heights.

A Smile Goes a Long Way

The heart of a captivating table or coffee stand lies in its ability to connect with people on a deeper emotional level. How can you turn a casual window shopper into a loyal customer? Personalization is key. Offer samples if you have them or invite the person to feel some of your handiwork. Ask questions. Don’t be too pushy or try to trap them into a sale. Simply be nice and make the customer feel welcomed and comfortable.

A lot of times a customer will stop to look at our table and won’t make a purchase. We still make sure to tell them to have a good day or to have fun at the Holiday Market. If you make an impression, they might circle back around to you on their way out.


Make larger sales by offering different sizes or bundles. Even offer gift wrapping for a few dollars extra to raise that ticket price up a bit.

Don’t lose any profit, but offering two items together for a slightly cheaper price than selling them individually can draw a customer in. People are looking for thoughtful gifs at a Holiday Market, but they are also looking for a bargain.

For us, we have a menu dedicated to our Winter Coffee Specials. We sell our specials for an extra dollar since their usually contain season items that we have to buy outside of our normal supplies. Now, those seasonal items don’t always cost more but having a separate menu dedicated to a smaller menu with higher priced items drives our sales up even more and most of the time people will order off the specials menu (besides your usual vanilla latte person).

Social Media

Lastly, never underestimate the power of active social media presence. Post multiple times where you will be at. Repost the Market’s posts. And post again once you have your table all set up the day of the market. If it seems a bit too much, then you are doing it right.

Have flyers or business cards fully visible on your table so people can find you and get into contact with you if they love your product. On top of that, make sure you include a card with every item you sell. For us, all of our cups have either a sticker or a stamp with our logo on them.

QR codes work great too if you want to add more information or link to multiple social media streams and also include a direct link to your email. A QR code can easily be made for free online in like 5 minutes even if you aren’t the most tech savvy person you know.

Social media is a powerful tool for drawing attention to your brand, showcasing your unique offerings, and connecting directly with your customers. Regular updates and engaging content can do wonders to amplify your brand awareness and draw traffic to your stand.

Get Out There and Sell!

You’ll make more sales going to a Holiday Market than sitting at home.

Building a successful market booth or coffee stand involves a variety of factors: strategic location, a well thought out table, an inviting ambiance, personalized service, a friendly experience, upselling if possible, and robust social media presence. By addressing these aspects, you’ll be able to create an inviting table or coffee stand that doesn’t just serve a commodity, but offers an experience and product that customers crave again and again.

Do you have any other tips?

Best Wishes,


1 thought on “How To Have Amazing Sales at a Holiday Market”

  1. Thank you so very much sharing your dream not to forget your tips an your plan.
    I’ve been wanting to have a coffee trailer for awhile now and you’ve made so simple.
    Thank you again!

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